Australian by birth and still at heart, I acquired the Dutch nationality after living and working there for 10 years prior to moving to Argentina where I lived for 12 years. I now live in Rio de Janeiro, returning periodically to Buenos Aires and making an annual teaching trip to Europe in the late Spring.
My Alexander training was equally international as I started out in Holland with Arie Jan Hoorweg whilst doing postgraduate study at the music conservatorium in The Hague. I also studied with Joan and Alex Murray in the USA for the 6 months that my tourist visa allowed me and finally completed my training in London with Walter Carrington in March 1994.
Since that time I have continued to be involved with teacher training. When I returned to Amsterdam in 1996 I started teaching at Arie Jan Hoorweg’s school becoming one of his assistant directors a few years before I decided to go to Argentina to found and direct the school ETABA (Escuela de la Técnica Alexander Buenos Aires) in 2006. My last 2 years in Buenos Aires I co-directed the school with Violeta Winograd who has now taken over as the sole director. In Rio I have a new co-director partnership with Roberto Reveilleau with whom the school ETAR (Escola Tecnica Alexander Rio) has been founded.
Other important influences in my life and work include the teachings of J. Krishnamurti, Non Violent Communication, and hiking in wilderness.